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Sulthan Bathery, Wayanad, Kerala
New Bell Rd., Bangalore, Karnataka

Due to Covid-19,
We are only taking online sessions.


Our clients are at the heart of our organisation

Hey Namita
My testimonial

One of the things am truly grateful for in 2022 is prioritizing self healing and having found Namita to help me achieve that. I thought of changing my therapist end of Dec 2021 as it was getting monotonous and was scrolling through an influencer’s page i follow and I came up on few therapist recommendations. I shortlisted two of them and of course Namita being the proactive person she is connected with me and I thought of giving it a shot.

It’s only been a month but she has given me so many perspectives over many facets of my personality and thoughts that I have begun putting into practise. Infact in the first session she cracked so many things of my personality that it was a relief and an assurance for me that things are going to work out between us.

What I love about Namita is her honesty, her energy and her commitment to better the other person because it shows up every time we talk. She is committed to healing the other person and pushes those right buttons that makes you think of aspects that is hidden within you. She gives me the space to share the darkest parts of me without any judgement and accepts it whole heartedly.

After every session, i know that although it might be a long journey of healing for me, but I will make it because that’s how she ends every session. That’s also the reason why I religiously look forward to her sessions and also secretly, don’t want to end those dedicated hour slots.

I know it’s the beginning of my journey of self love but I am glad that I am doing with Namita because at this point, I can think of no one better than her to get me there.

This is one of the best decisions I have ever made. As the tagline says , this is the place to heal and grow. And I’m at the healing stage. my therapist Namitha is very supportive and caring. Thrive is helping me through my tough time and I’m grateful for that. Looking forward to next session!

Hello ma’am,

Hope you are doing well!

This is Rashi.

I reached out to you a few months back for help. I was going through a tough time back then.

Today, this is to tell you how thankful I am to you. I couldn’t complete the set of my sessions due to lack of resources but those few sessions that I had with you have been really very helpful to me and I am in a much better state now. I am able to focus on what’s important for me and think about myself. And that’s only because of you. There are some weak days even now but I am able to handle them well on my own now.

I really can’t express the gratitude that I hold for you.

Thank you so very much!

Wish you all the good in life!



Namitha diagnosed me and from the first session itself, I could realise what I was lacking. To overcome the hurdles, Namitha gives simple tasks one at a time. She’s an active listener with zero judgement and I like the way she remembers tiny details from the previous sessions. Importance is given to shift the focus and let us grow gradually. Now I’m recovering slowly and I’m sure Namitha can help me grow into a better version of myself.

I had been jumping from one form of therapy to another, with different counselors for almost seven years until I began my session with Namitha. Her therapy sessions brought in the much-needed stability I always sought during my adult life.

In the last seven months, my evolution and growth have resulted from Namitha’s iron-will commitment towards my well-being. It didn’t take me long to realize that Namitha, as my therapist, is the one person who will always be on my side. This realization has been monumental in the tremendous improvement I have experienced in the last months.

She built a safe space for me, where I know I can rely on her without the fear of being used or manipulated. Her ability to be vulnerable and honest about herself has shown me how to become those myself. I finally feel seen and acknowledged.

She has endowed me with the tools to recognize triggers and tame reactions, which helps me get through the worst days. Thank you, Namitha, thank you very much for taking all that kindness and love that I didn’t know I had and helping me realize them for myself.

I got in touch with Namitha as a desperate mother and wife struggling with anger issues. From our first conversation onwards, she listened without judgement, spoke with compassion and supported with empathy. Over the course of the next few months, she proved to be a competent and knowledgeable therapist who always went above and beyond her call of duty to help me whenever I needed it.

As a psychologist, not only does she know her field of study thoroughly, but she is also someone who genuinely cares. During our sessions, she helped me uncover deeper issues and past trauma that were showing up as outbursts of anger. I found myself growing past my anger sustainably and being able to regulate myself much better after just a few sessions.

Namitha’s prudent observation skills and knack for asking the right questions makes her sessions valuable investments. She always seems to sense where the problem really lies. But what I love most of all about my sessions with Namitha is how she does not presume or prescribe solutions, rather, she helps me find my way towards solutions that work for me, in the long run.

I cannot think of a time when I needed Namitha and she wasn’t there for me – night or day.

Working with Namitha is helping me make peace with the past, take control of the present and look forward to what the future holds.

Therapy isn’t easy, but Namitha has been an incredible source of strength and support throughout this journey. Without her, I would never have made it this far.

If you are looking for a safe space to heal, grow and find support, I highly recommend Namitha and Thrive.

I had been comtemplating therapy before I reached out to Ms. Namitha, now she is helping me meet a version of myself that I didn’t know existed or I had somehow lost touch with over the past two three years. She always tells me that it all boils down to ‘you’, and when you think of it that is extremely powerful. It is through therapy that I started seeing things that I blissfully ignored in the past and yes it takes time to accept the past but through that you can create a stronger and brighter future for yourself. She is essentially helping me realise that slowly i’ll start to learn how to prioritise my ‘peace’ and limit or even deny access to those who disrupt it because sometimes I will have to choose me or I’d end up losing me. I think the approach that is being used by my therapist has been working out pretty good for me. It’s a judgement free and safe space for my thoughts and views where I get to truly express my feelings and gain an insight into where I might be going slightly wrong. Ms. Namitha strives to create an extremely warm and comfortable space by maintaining healthy professional and personal boundaries and I am extremely glad that I took a right decision at the right time!

After a few sessions with Dr. Namitha, I can understand why a lot of her patients love and respect her. Last year was a very tough year for me and I had to deal with anxiety and panic attacks. She was there for me, very understanding in every conversation that we had. She tried several techniques to help me deal with my anxiety, and she didn’t give up on me until I got accustomed to dealing with anxiety in better ways. She was very understanding and sincere. She has continued to be a positive force in my life. I am extremely happy with how much progress I have made since then. I am grateful to have found her and I HIGHLY recommend her.

Joy, Fashion consulant

I hit a period in my life when it seemed I had never felt so low. Amongst other problems, I was coping with a major bereavement and it felt like a crisis. During this period I managed to find Namitha who was referred to me by a close friend. Namitha was warm, kind and understanding – she didn’t rush anything – or if something didn’t work – we’d just move on. It felt odd to be talking about my problems and it was difficult but together we worked through them – I didn’t want to be in therapy for a long time, I just wanted to get better, get on with my life.
Over the next six weeks Namitha and myself met once a week online and we’d talk, after each session I’d feel so much better, stronger and my mind began to clear. I cannot recommend Namitha highly enough to you. Whilst life still presents me with challenges I can cope with them as I feel so much stronger now – I owe her much.

I would highly recommend Ms.Namitha Babu .I was suffering from high levels of stress and anxiety. Ms.Namitha Babu is a great listener, while also making sure to summarize what she is hearing and offering helpful suggestions pertaining to the situation.She is open-minded, positive and encouraging with her counselling techniques.She offers great solutions to help you work through problems. She works upon improving your overall well-being and emotional wellness. After three months of work I now feel equipped to do things differently. It’s been the most liberating and empowering experience and I’ve learnt things that will stay with me forever.

Student, 21

My sessions with Ms. Namitha came at a fairly critical point for me, and I am happy to say they’ve been incredibly helpful. Her direct but non-judgemental manner made hard topics easier to address head-on, which I really needed and appreciated

Anandh, Consultant

I reached out to Namitha for help with my teenage son. She has been talking to him to understand his thoughts, feelings and the impact of those on his behavior; She has gained his trust as a result of which he is opening up to her and is comfortable talking to her and is sharing his fears, apprehensions and other conflicts going on in his mind.
Namitha has also helped me understand and work on myself. Recognizing what was causing stress/worry and dealing with that had led to more tranquility and peace in my life. She has been patient with me as I work on myself and has constantly and firmly held my hand and walked me through a journey of self-discovery and change.
I am glad I reached out to Namitha. I am already seeing a change in my son and myself and am happy that we are in safe hands. I recommend her for adolescent/teenage counselling, family counselling and individual counselling.


Namitha has a special knack working with special kids and identifying a work plan that is customized for each kid. She is extremely talented in cognitive therapy and special education fileds. Our son’s cognition development should significant development under Namitha’s supervision. Namitha’s approach of using play to enable each child is another innovation she brought in when dealing with our son. From simple sorting and matching activities to complex cognitive activities her support and therapy approaches helped us recognize our son’s abilities better. I would recommend Namitha for children with cognitive development delays and special kids in general.


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