Concept of LGBT: LGBT is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. The initialism LGBT is intended to emphasize a diversity of sexuality and gender identity-based cultures and is sometimes used to refer to anyone who is non-heterosexual or non cisgender instead of exclusively to people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. To recognize this inclusion, a popular variant adds the letter Q for those who identify as queer and/or are questioning their sexual identity as LGBTQ
Concept of LGBT: LGBT is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. The initialism LGBT is intended to emphasize a diversity of sexuality and gender identity-based cultures and is sometimes used to refer to anyone who is non-heterosexual or non cisgender instead of exclusively to people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. To recognize this inclusion, a popular variant adds the letter Q for those who identify as queer and/or are questioning their sexual identity as LGBTQ
Impact of Exclusion and Discrimination:
The exclusion and discrimination have major impacts on the lives of lesbian, gay and transgender persons. This has resulted in the following:
- Dropping out of school earlier
- Leaving Home and Family
- Unable to find regular jobs, have less options than others.
- Being ignored in the community and isolated
- Unable to access various services and Unaware of what they are entitled to *Mobility, Move to other areas, (such as the city and urban areas)
- Lack of family and social support
- Migrate to other countries for seeking safer livelihood and acceptance
- Rejected from Religion (Esp. Muslim and some Christian Fundamentalist sects) * Attempt suicide
- Decide to follow their parents to marry opposite sex and then divorce.
Impact of Family Reactions on LGBT Children: Conflict and Rejection
In the past, very few adolescents ―came out‖ to their families or told others they were gay. Most lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals (LGB) waited until they were adults to talk about their LGB identity with others. Fear of rejection and serious negative reactions kept many LGB adults from openly sharing their lives.
A family’s accepting or rejecting behaviors toward a young person’s LGBTQ status has significant implications for that child’s health and well-being. Young people with high levels of family rejection were:
- Eight times more likely to report having attempted suicide
- Nearly six times more likely to report high levels of depression
- More than three times more likely to use drugs or have unprotected sex.
In another study, she found that family acceptance helps protect adolescents against suicidal behavior, depression, and substance abuse. Young people with accepting families also reported higher self-esteem, social support, and overall health. The overall objective in helping families learn to support their LGBT children is not to change their values or deeply-held beliefs. Instead, practitioners should aim to meet parents, families, and caregivers “where they are,” to build an alliance to support their LGBT children, and to help them understand that family reactions that are experienced as rejection by their LGBT child contribute to serious health concerns and inhibit their child’s development and well- being.