I hit a period in my life when it seemed I had never felt so low. Amongst other problems, I was coping with a major bereavement and it felt like a crisis. During this period I managed to find Namitha who was referred to me by a close friend. Namitha was warm, kind and understanding – she didn’t rush anything – or if something didn’t work – we’d just move on. It felt odd to be talking about my problems and it was difficult but together we worked through them – I didn’t want to be in therapy for a long time, I just wanted to get better, get on with my life.
Over the next six weeks Namitha and myself met once a week online and we’d talk, after each session I’d feel so much better, stronger and my mind began to clear. I cannot recommend Namitha highly enough to you. Whilst life still presents me with challenges I can cope with them as I feel so much stronger now – I owe her much.


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